On behalf of the team at QuickPic, we would like to personally assure you of our ongoing commitment to health & safety standards in our photography studio, in light of the current events surrounding COVID-19.  

Per the most current NHS/PHE/WHO information and instructions, we are routinely

  • Sanitising all frequently touched surfaces and contact points in our studios, as well as our equipment and packages prior to dispatch.
  • Steaming or sanitising products before and after shooting where necessary.
  • Taking steps to monitor employee’s temperatures daily.
  • Mandating frequent hand washing and anti-bacterial sanitising. 
  • Instructing employees to remain home if they, or someone close, are showing symptoms of any illness.
  • Limiting unnecessary face to face contact.

We know that this is a time of concern for all, and we want to assure you that we are committed to doing everything we can to protect our team and our clients while keeping timelines and deliverables on schedule. Please continue to send in products with any notes when possible and we will keep you updated throughout the shoot via phone or email.

Please reach out if you have any questions or concerns about your shoot, including requests for additional safety measures or flexibility in project changes. As always, the health and safety of our employees and clients is our highest priority and we will continue to take measures to safeguard.